International Women's Day 2022
We celebrated International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8th March and recognised the strength and bravery of the New Scot women in our group.
One of these women led our most recent group session and taught us some tips on how to write poetry. The poems we wrote in the session were compiled and became the incredible #internationalwomensday poem we published on our social media which you can read below:
On the occasion of Women's Day How beautiful this morning the lady of the earth is bathed in dew drops, she sings the shy rays of the sun, shakes off her legendary bed with flower nurseries, looks at her faithful mirror, beautifies her with the sweetest smiles, extends her hand to renew the eternal covenant, and carries her luminous lilies for the beginning of a new year, in the world of the lavish female dream. On your International Day, madam, I say: And because I'm a woman... I will be born with a radiance every morning, With the hymn of each prayer, I will be born from the frayed folds of my soul, I ask the remains of my remains, combustible ash, And I plant them lilies that breathe life again. Every year and you are the brilliant Eve Happy New Year, madam. A symbol of giving.
بمناسبة عيد المرأة
ما أجمل هذا الصباح تغتسل فيه سيدة الأرض بقطرات الندى، تترنم بشعاع الشمس الخجولة، تنفض عن سريرها الأسطوري مشاتل الزهور، تنظر لمرآتها الوفية، فتتجمل بأحلى الابتسامات، وتمد يدها لتجدد العهدة الأبدية، فتحملها زنابق نورانية لبداية سنة جديدة، في عالم الحلم الأنثوي الباذخ.
في عيدك الأممي سيدتي أقول :
ولأنني امرأة...
سأولد مع إشراقة كل صباح،
مع ترتيلة كل صلاة،
سأولد من حنايا روحي المهترئة،
سألملم بقايا أشلائي،
ورماد احتراقي،
وأزرعها زنابق تفوح بالحياة من جديد.
كل عام وأنت حواء الباهرة
كل عام وانت سيدتي.
رمز للعطاء .
We all wrote about things that remind us of Moments of Freedom and what friendship means to us, and we think you will agree that the poem turned out very powerful and thought provoking.
After our poetry session, the group put together some top tips for writing poetry for beginners:
The basis of writing poetry is a hobby. You should some have some interest to be able to learn. If you do not like, or do not want to write or read poetry, it will be more difficult to learn.
It's important to find a spark or inner inspiration. Choosing a topic you care about is very important as the subject you address is what ignites your inner inspiration.
Finally, you should try to read poetry to learn ideas and topics addressed by other poets. This helps your style and helps guide you to be distinguishable from others, without imitating them.
As we approach World Poetry Day on Monday 21st March, we can’t wait to see how we are able to develop the new skills we have learned and share more incredible poetry.