Sharing our story in the Clydesider

Sharing our story in different ways

In the fast-changing world, we’ve all had to find different ways to share our story. We’ve tried out Canva (a graphic design app), and are looking at different ways to use photography, audio, and other story-telling tools to share our experiences and connect with people.

Connections in Clydebank

In the pandemic we connected with people in the local community by going along to the Clydesider Community Response Network. It’s helped us make new links and keep moving forward to create meaningful inclusion together.

A lot has been happening, so we wanted to share an update on everything we’re doing. We wrote an editorial story in the Clydesider community magazine, which goes out online and in print. Read our article here .

It talks about our ‘Shared learning’ sessions, and how we’ll welcome new families from Afghanistan and help set up peer-support. Lots of people pick up the Clydesider for stories, poems, competitions and interesting things happening locally, so it’s a good way to share our story with groups and people in Clydebank who want to build community with us . Another way positive community-led media is helpful!

Outside The Box